Getting started
What’s new
Typefi Frames
- Typefi Frames in Typefi Designer
- Create a Main Story Frame
- TOC Frames in Typefi Designer
- Create a Table of Contents (TOC) Frame
- Create an Index Frame
- Create an Endnote Frame
Typefi Elements
- Floating Elements in Typefi Designer
- Typefi Elements in Typefi Designer
- Typefi Element types
- Working with Typefi Elements in Typefi Designer
- Create an Inline Element
- Create a Fixed Element
Typefi Fields
- Typefi Fields in Typefi Designer
- Typefi Field types
- Typefi Fields and InDesign text variables
- Create an Element Field
- Create a Project Field
- Create a Typefi Section Field
Typefi Sections
- Typefi Sections in Typefi Designer
- Typefi Sections use cases
- Typefi Section types
- Working with Typefi Sections in Typefi Designer
- Create a Typefi Section
- Checklist: Create a new Typefi Section in Typefi Designer
Cross-references and hyperlinks
Indexes and table of contents
- Equations overview
- MathML equations and Typefi
- Equation images
- MathTools concepts and features
- Enable MathTools
- Same equation, different display
Typefi Anchors
Known issues and troubleshooting
Hints, tips, and tricks
Typefi FileManager (Legacy)
- Typefi FileManager in Typefi Designer
- Connect to your Typefi Server
- Check in and out files
- Upload and delete files
- View and restore previous versions of a file
- Configure the sync preferences