Introduced in Typefi Writer 8.7.1 (64-bit edition); updated in Typefi Writer 8.7.2 (64-bit edition)
Missing links in your document results in missing content in the final publication. This article will teach you how to quickly find and fix missing links to assets (such as images or videos).
- You are using Typefi Writer 8.7.1 or later.
- Typefi Writer is connected to a Typefi Server, and a workflow is attached.
Find missing links
- Click Publish on the Typefi tab to publish your document.
- Choose whether you want to publish the entire document (default), current selection, or a custom selection.
- Select Preflight document before publishing.
- Click Publish. If Typefi cannot resolve the paths to place the assets, you will see a warning message.
- In the warning dialog, click Cancel. The Typefi Document Explorer opens in the Categories view.
Resolve missing links
- In the Typefi Document Explorer, click Links on the left panel. The missing links are highlighted in red.
- Double-click the file path of a missing link.
- In the Edit dialog, click either Browse from PC to select an image from your local computer or Browse from server to select an image from a Typefi Server.
- If you chose Browse from PC, navigate to the image, select it, and click Open.
- If you chose Browse from server, navigate to the image, select it, and click OK.
- If Typefi finds other missing links in the same folder, you'll see a dialog asking if you want to re-link them too. Click OK to re-link them all, or click Cancel to re-link only the selected file path.
Disable checking for missing links
Though our users were happy with the ability to check for missing links, we received feedback that in some workflows it should be optional. This is now possible in Typefi Writer 8.7.2 (64-bit edition).
- In the Typefi Writer ribbon, click Options→Workflow options.
- Uncheck Check for missing links in the When publishing a document area.
- Click OK.
- Don't forget to enable the checkbox again before running your final document.
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