Typefi is committed to continually improving Typefi Writer by resolving bugs and implementing new features. In this article, you’ll find our latest Typefi Writer release notes. If you have any feedback or run into any issues, please contact us. We’re happy to help.
System requirements: Typefi Writer 8.11 system requirements
Typefi Writer 8.11 (64-bit edition)
Released 31 October 2024
Requires Typefi Server 8.14 or later
What's new
- Typefi Writer now supports integration with Auth0-authenticated server environments (Typefi Server v8.16 or later).
- The updated preflight functionality gives you greater flexibility to customise validation checks before publishing. In the Typefi publish dialog:
- If Preflight document before publishing is enabled, Typefi Writer will check for all validation errors and warnings (such as missing links, index entries, and local style overrides), unless excluded in Workflow options.
- If Preflight document before publishing is disabled, Typefi Writer will only report fatal validation errors. These will need to be fixed before publishing can continue.
- Typefi Writer check out dialog now allows the option to open a copy of a checked out file.
- The ‘Run-time error ‘91’:’ error message now links to the help article, Typefi ribbon does not appear in Microsoft Word when you click Help in the dialog.
- You can now add modern image file formats: HEIC, HEIF, WebP and JPF2000 (Typefi ribbon → Media → Image).
- Improved the code to make the Document Explorer load faster.
Edit Element dialog:
- Fixed an issue that prevents from changing a nested inline element.
- Element media path no longer disappears from your document when changing an element.
- Fixed an issue that prevented you from selecting media when using the Browse from server option.
- Fixed an issue in the Document Explorer dialog, where clicking a local formatting error highlighted other tags.
- In the Select File dialog, the context menu no longer stays open when no items are selected.
- Error reporting and handling:
- Improved error reporting to alert you when Typefi tags are missing attributes due to document corruption.
- Messages now display correctly when clicking within the Typefi Ribbon without opening a Word document.
- Updated the logic to confirm whether a workflow is attached when selecting Manage styles (Typefi Ribbon → Styles).
- Fixed an issue where commas (,) and italics were inadvertently flagged as index entry errors.
- Fixed an issue where opening a downloaded file that was previously checked out by another user prompted a message asking the user to check in the file.
- Fixed an issue that prevented source documents from opening after processing.
- Fixed the logic to validate http://localhost:8080.
- Selecting Prompt before syncing or Sync copy to server (Typefi Writer → Options → File handling) now correctly adds comments to the version history in Typefi Server.
- Made the Typefi Writer installer and Typefi Workflow Explorer dialog more aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly.
Known issue
- When adding a Server connection (Typefi Writer Options → Server Connections), clicking the Back button after entering your username and password and then clicking Next may prevent the username and password fields from reappearing. As a workaround, click Cancel, then reopen the Typefi Writer Options dialog to complete the process. Our team is working on a fix for this in Typefi Writer v8.12.
Typefi Writer 8.10 (64-bit edition)
Released 21 August 2024
Our digital signature certificate with Microsoft, which verifies the authenticity and integrity of our software, is renewed every three years to provide you with a seamless experience—preventing Macro security warnings from appearing in Word as you work. It's time for a renewal! We've renewed the certificate for another three years. Please update to Typefi Writer v8.10 to ensure a smooth, uninterrupted experience. For detailed instructions, see the help article Update Typefi Writer 64-bit edition.
Typefi Writer 8.9 (64-bit edition)
Released 25 March 2024
Validate index entries
Working with indexes just got easier! Typefi Writer 8.9 introduces a workflow option to identify and validate your index entries—helping you avoid unexpected results in your final output.
When you enable the Validate index entries workflow option, you can view all index entries in the order they appear in your document with the new Index Entries category in Writer’s Typefi Document Explorer.
The validate index entries workflow option is off by default. To enable this setting, refer to the help article, How to validate index entries for more detail.
Helpful error messages
In Typefi Writer 8.9, Typefi Document Explorer’s Index Entries and Metadata categories include helpful error messages. For example, when Writer validates index entries, the error message describes the problem and links to an Index entry troubleshooting guide—which explains how to manually fix common index entry errors.
- Typefi Writer now flags metadata tag structures as errors. See Resolving invalid metadata tag structures for more information.
- Typefi Workflow Explorer (Typefi→Typefi Workflow→Explore) now displays Table of Contents styles.
- Improved warning to prevent checking out a document when a Server file path exceeds 242 characters. New warning: ‘Cannot check out the document because the file path exceeds 242 characters. To continue, reduce the file path length.'
- In Document Explorer (Typefi →Explore Document), fixed a known issue where Typefi Elements with similar names (for example, Box Inline and Box Inline Blue) are no longer incorrectly flagged as missing from the InDesign template.
- Fixed a known issue in Writer 8.8 where the digital signature certificate doesn’t install during initial setup and displays the error ‘Macros have been disabled’ security warning when opening a Typefi Writer document. You will no longer receive this security warning in Writer 8.9.
- Fixed the OneDrive file path handling to prevent errors when publishing documents.
- Inserting audio, image, or video element structures no longer causes Conditions to be highlighted in the Insert Element dialog.
- Updated the API version selection logic to determine which server versions are compatible with Writer.
- Fixed the cursor’s default position when pasting text; the cursor now appears at the end of the pasted text instead of the beginning.
- Fixed an issue where changing an element type caused the linked media file path to disappear.
Typefi Writer 8.8 (64-bit edition)
Released 23 March 2023
Fixed an issue that produced an error when editing table dimensions and formatting in the Edit table dialog. Now, by default, the formatting boxes are checked and the error: value of ‘356’ is not valid for “value,” Value should be between ‘minimum’ and ‘maximum’ no longer appears.
Fixed an issue that produced the error: value cannot be null when opening the dialog explorer box with empty fields. Now, empty field codes are ignored, and the document explorer dialog opens as expected.
Updated the validation logic that prevented you from applying paragraph and character styles to Writer tags. Now, you can apply Typefi styles as expected.
In Typefi Cloud environments, if the server connection timed out during check-in, you received an error: Document.UploadResponse. Now, check-in requests will dynamically try again and increase the TimeOut value on-the-fly to account for slow or poor network connections.
Typefi Writer 8.7.4 (32-bit edition)
Released 15 February 2023
- Added fixes related to TLS 1.2 support to improve security as outlined in this FAQ.
The previous version was Writer 8.7.0 32-bit edition. Typefi Writer 8.7.4 (64-bit edition) also introduced needed fixes for TLS 1.2 support so we decided to jump a few version numbers.
It is important to note that 32-bit editions of Typefi Writer are deprecated and no longer actively supported in terms of new features, except where it pertains to security.
Typefi Writer 8.7.4 (64-bit edition)
Released 23 September 2022
Replace local formatting
Working between Word and InDesign has many challenges, and character styling is one of them.
Word and InDesign’s default fonts are different, and the supported fonts may not support intelligent linking—especially those with multiple weights like Light, Medium, Bold and Black. InDesign’s Character Styles solve these problems by explicitly defining what font to use in which location.
Typefi Writer is the bridge that connects your local formatting to Character Styles—avoiding unexpected character formatting in your final outputs.
Typefi Writer 8.7.4 will help you to identify all local formatting in use in your documents and enable you to replace them with Character Styles in a few clicks—ensuring your fonts publish as expected.
To learn more about local formatting, see Identify local formatting in use and Replace Local formatting.
Easily see all document links
View all document links in one location with Writer's Typefi Document Explorer. You can also choose to export a list of files linked to a particular tagged Word file.
In Writer 8.7.4, we introduced a new Links category to the Typefi Document Explorer. This category offers you a way to view all linked files present in your current document. You can then click List of links to produce a simple text file containing all of those file links from your document. Missing items are marked as [Missing] making them easy to share and resolve with your content collaborators.
For more information, see Exporting a list of links.
Enhanced workplace collaboration
Improved OneDrive/Sharepoint support: with Typefi Writer 8.7.4, you can now run a job (not necessarily owned by you) that includes links to files stored in your company's OneDrive/Sharepoint, without missing links.
Run Writer in multiple users: users working from home who are required to log in to and run Writer from a terminal server at work, can now print jobs anytime. Writer 8.7.4's Print Manager works by listening on a new port for each logged-in user.
- The time needed to prepare documents for publishing has been reduced significantly, especially if they contain lots of conditions.
To align with the way the Import DOCX action works, if your InDesign template contains a Default section, the job will run as expected you about the need to insert a section.
Typefi Writer now informs you that an element cannot be inserted within the Typefi Section or Typefi Metadata tags.
A hard return or line break within a Field code (such as a hyperlink or Typefi tag) is now flagged as a structural error. See Structural errors in Field Codes for details on how to fix this.
Writer 8.7.4 includes support for Edifix's API 2.0 which operates asynchronously. The new API allows for more efficient resource use, higher processing volumes, and job drop-off capability when checking references.
When inserting hyperlinks or cross-references to multiple documents, Typefi Writer now shows all open documents and informs you if any files are not attached to the same workflow.
If a paragraph style contains an alias that matches the name of an existing paragraph style, the Typefi Paragraph styles panel will show a warning icon. Hovering over the paragraph will give you more information.
Columns in Document Explorer can now be sorted.
- Interface tweaks:
- Matched parts of the Typefi Writer UI to match the Windows 11 aesthetic.
- Updates to the Edit metadata dialog.
- Removed the Messages and Wrench icon because they served no purpose.
- Added (optional) to the Metadata type label.
- Updates to the Metadata category in Typefi Document Explorer.
- The value of a metadata entry is now shown.
- Added a column to show the (optional) Metadata type.
- Provide a warning if Metadata contains no value.
- Some borders were cut off in the Edifix connection dialog in Spanish.
- Some interface items were cut off within the Insert Section dialog was opened on monitors with a 1920x1080 resolution.
- Restored the End TOC tag (originally removed in 8.7.2) as it caused issues with the Word to CXML converter).
- Added fixes related to TLS 1.2 support to improve security as outlined in this FAQ.
- Added Spanish translation to a warning about an audio element not being inserted into a Typefi Section.
- If, when editing an Excel spreadsheet using the arrow keys, you set a preferred width, the preferred width is now retained the next time you open the dialog.
- Inserting a Typefi Element when Apply selected style to multiple paragraphs is checked no longer applies the selected style to the Typefi tags.
- Clicking an empty area of the Typefi Writer Paragraph Styles panel no longer produces an Object reference error.
- When not connected to the internet, you will receive a human-readable warning instead of a Server Connection.Connect warning.
- You are now able to edit an element containing a link stored on a Typefi Server without receiving a The linked file cannot be found at the given path error.
Typefi Writer 8.7.3 (64-bit edition)
Released 18 April 2022
- Updated several libraries to the latest version to improve security
- Configured Typefi Writer to use TLS 1.2 and .NET framework 4.7.2, which means your data is protected in transit
- You can now "do more" in fewer clicks:
- Click the top half of the Media button to quickly insert an image; click the top half of the Table button to quickly insert a table
- When inserting an image, you no longer need to select All files to choose an SVG or IDMS image
- The Insert Element dialog now auto-focuses to the Element name in the Element structure so that you can immediately choose the Element path from your PC or server
- Fixed an issue where cross-references to paragraphs did not output any content
- Added Nilupul Jayasekara to the developer credits (located in the About dialog). Many thanks!
- Changed "Edición de 64" to "Edición de 64 bits" in the installer
- Updated our copyright date from 2021 to 2022
Typefi Writer 8.7.2 (64-bit edition)
Released 7 February 2022
Save time and improve your bibliography accuracy with Edifix
Edifix is an online bibliographic reference solution that automatically processes bibliographic references to help you meet style requirements, ensure accuracy, and provide links to cited sources.
With Typefi Writer 8.7.2, you can now use Edifix to correct, link, and format your references without leaving your document.
For more information, see Use Edifix in Typefi Writer.
Apply paragraph styles faster
Applying paragraph styles to lengthy documents without any existing styling can be a tedious job, involving a large number of clicks. First, you had to move your cursor into the paragraph you wanted to style, select a paragraph style, and then move your cursor into the next paragraph you wanted to style. Rinse and repeat until all the paragraphs are styled correctly.
To make this process easier, Typefi Writer 8.7.2 includes a new setting: an Apply selected style and move to next paragraph checkbox in the Paragraph Styles panel.
When Apply selected style and move to next paragraph is selected, Typefi Writer will automatically move your cursor to the next paragraph after you apply a paragraph style. With this checkbox enabled, you can start at the top of your document and apply paragraph styles without moving your cursor. 🎉
Tables are skipped as it is easier to select a range of cells in a table and apply a style than it would be to go through every single cell in a potentially large table.
Fine-tune Typefi Writer with new advanced options
Typefi Writer 8.7.2 includes new advanced configuration options.
Missing link validation
You can now choose if Typefi Writer should validate image paths. Go to Typefi Writer Options → Workflow options and select or deselect Check for missing links.
Print Manager settings
You can now choose whether the Typefi Print Manager automatically starts when opening Typefi Writer. This setting is helpful if you need to disable the Print Manager from starting automatically if security software prevents Print Manager from running.
Troubleshooting logs
When an issue occurs, it’s important to collect information to diagnose and fix the issue. With Typefi Writer 8.7.2, you can now turn on troubleshooting logging for easier troubleshooting.
When you turn on troubleshooting logging, Typefi Writer automatically collects diagnostic information and saves it to a log file on your computer. The log file contains information about checking in or out files, attaching workflows, and publishing documents. The information in the log file helps Typefi support staff detect, diagnose, and fix issues and help make improvements to Typefi Writer.
To prevent potential performance issues, we recommend that you only turn on troubleshooting logging when specifically requested by support staff.
- Typefi Writer now informs you when you try to attach a workflow or check in a file not in the DOCX format.
- When inserting cross-references, you can now view the source document. If the source document can’t be found at the original location, Typefi Writer will show you the last known location.
- Several improvements related to Content XML IDs:
- When you copy and paste Typefi components using the Paste button in the Word ribbon or use Ctrl + V keyboard shortcut, Typefi now regenerates the Content XML ID. Pasting via right-click will not regenerate a new ID.
- You can now regenerate IDs in the Document Explorer. However, regenerating IDs may cause orphaned Element References.
- When inserting a Typefi Table of Contents (TOC), Typefi Writer no longer inserts the END TOC tag because Typefi TOCs will never contain content in the Writer document.
- The About menu includes three new options: What’s new, Help, Guides & Tutorials, and Report a Bug.
- Typefi Writer no longer displays a ‘Macros have been disabled’ security warning when opening a document.
- Restored the ability to publish a subset of your Typefi Sections.
- Typefi Writer no longer reports Typefi Field codes as changed when Tracked Changes in Word is turned on.
- When inserting metadata, the cursor is now active at the end of the META tag.
- If you set a preferred width when editing an Excel spreadsheet, the preferred width is now retained when editing the worksheet.
- Typefi Writer no longer reports a ‘The requested member of the collection does not exist. WordLibrary.RangeContainsTablePart’ error when inserting a condition inside a table cell.
- Typefi Writer no longer asks you to save changes to your document if you haven’t made any changes.
- The Typefi Style Sheet (TSS) is now updated when the document loads if a valid internet connection is available.
Typefi Writer 8.7.1 (64-bit edition)
Released 1 July 2021
Replace missing links, fast
Before, finding and replacing missing links was a time-consuming process. Now, Typefi Writer automatically detects if you have missing links. If you do, you can replace multiple missing links at once.
For step-by-step instructions, see Find and resolve missing links.
- Improved speed and performance:
- Minimised the number of API requests Typefi Writer sends to Typefi Server.
- Optimised the code to make the Document Explorer load a little bit faster. (You'll notice this most when working with larger documents.)
- Made it faster to insert an Element Image link from a server. Before, it would start at the root of the server; now, it 'bounces back' to the last used folder.
- Made it faster to publish documents within a project. Before, the first workflow in a project was automatically selected; now, the most recent workflow run is selected.
- Increased the time interval (400 milliseconds to 1 second) that the Typefi Print Manager sends requests to Typefi Server to prevent ‘Failed authentication attempt’ errors in the Admin log.
- Made it faster to navigate workflows if you have multiple Typefi Servers. When choosing a workflow, double-click a Typefi Server name to hide its associated workflows; click once to show them.
- Made it easier to edit cross-references. Now, if you try to edit a cross-reference and the cross-reference source document is not open, you will see a warning message that tells you you cannot edit the cross-reference. Click the filename in the warning message to get more details, including the full file path.
- Made it easier to insert an End Element tag. You can now insert an End Element tag at the end of the paragraph, even when the cursor is in the middle of a paragraph.
- Updated Writer's validation checks to allow Fixed Elements to have Element references. Before, Writer would prevent such documents from publishing with this error: ‘ERROR: Element reference could not be inserted to the fix element “[element]” without its parent Section’. Now, the job runs successfully.
- Removed hidden bookmarks from temporary documents that would sometimes cause publishing issues. The previous workaround included running custom code to delete these hidden bookmarks.
- Added a disabled version of the Delete icon in the Edit Element dialog.
- Disabled the Replace button in the Document Explorer for Element references and Typefi Fields.
- Added an error message when you try to publish a document where the attached workflow either does not contain Import DOCX or Import DOCX is disabled.
- Added a warning message when you try to publish a document that contains new features in Content XML but uses an older version of Import DOCX.
- Rewrote several error and warning messages to be more user-friendly:
- Rewrote the error message for deleting a cross-reference without a cross-reference source. Before, it was ‘Cannot locate the source of the cross-reference’. Now, it is ‘The cross-reference source cannot be found in the current document.’
- Rewrote the error message for entering an incorrect server address. Before, it was ‘Invalid URL: The Authority/Host could not be parsed. ServerConnection.SendRequest message’. Now, it is ‘[address] is not a valid http/https address.’
- Rewrote the error message for adding a hyperlink to a document that is not currently open. Before, it was ‘Cannot locate the source of the hyperlink’. Now, it is ‘The document <document-name> is not open so the hyperlink source cannot be located’. Click the document name to get more information about where the source document is stored.
- Added the name of the server you are trying to connect to in the error message about connecting to out-of-date servers.
- Rearranged the dialogs to be compatible with different resolutions.
- Edited the wrench icon in the Edit Element dialog slightly bigger so that it is clearly visible.
- 🥳 Updated our copyright date from 2020 to 2021.
- Fixed several issues relating to Typefi Sections:
- Fixed an issue where, if a Typefi Section had two or more occurrences of the same Typefi FIeld and you tried to edit the last Field in the Document Explorer, an ‘InvalidArgument=Value of “2” is not valid for “index”...’ error appeared. Now, you can edit the Field without any errors.
- Fixed an issue where you could erroneously edit the Name and Type fields in the Edit Section dialog. Now, you cannot edit the Name and Type.
- Fixed several issues relating to Typefi Elements:
- Fixed an issue where deleting a nested Element resulted in an ‘Object reference not set to an instance of an object’ error. You can now delete nested Elements without any errors.
- Fixed an issue where you couldn't edit an Element Field in the Edit Element dialog because the dialog was blank.
- Fixed an issue where changing a Typefi Element with an Element Field to an Element without an Element Field didn't remove the Element Field from the document.
- Fixed several issues in the Replace dialog:
- Fixed an issue where replacing a Typefi Section two or more times caused the Sections listed in the dialog to be empty. Now, when you replace a Section, the Section names are listed in the dialog.
- Fixed an issue where replacing all character styles only replaced some of them. Now, when you click Replace all, all character styles are replaced.
- Fixed an issue where clicking the column header did not actually sort the columns. Now, clicking the column headers sorts the columns in ascending order.
- Fixed an issue where clicking an icon in the Find what column caused the icons to change to the Conditions icon.
- Fixed an issue when trying to check in a file without being connected to a Typefi Server. Before, the Upload Document dialog incorrectly appeared. Now, the Connect to Server dialog appears.
- Fixed an issue where selecting a file from a local server in the Insert Element, Edit Element, Insert Media, and Edit Media dialogs didn't actually insert the file into the document. Now, files from a local server are inserted.
- Fixed an issue where attaching workflows that used extra-large templates (those with a lot of cruft or unused stuff) caused a ‘String parameter too long. Document.SaveTSSText’. Now, you can attach workflows that use extra-large templates without any error.
- Fixed an issue where replacing missing links via the Media dialog caused the Document Explorer to move to the background.
- Fixed an issue where, if metadata was longer than one line, an error message said, ‘DisplayText cannot span more than one line!’. Now, metadata can span multiple lines.
- Fixed several instances where text was cut off or not clearly visible:
- In the Application Logs dialog, the text ‘Log server errors only’ text was cut off.
- In the Insert Element dialog, the filename or comment was sometimes cut off.
- In the Insert cross-reference dialog, the details were cut off after selecting a bookmark.
- Image, video, and audio filenames were not clearly visible in the Edit dialog.
- Fixed an issue in the Edit Hyperlink dialog where the Type field was auto-focused instead of the OK button.
- Changed ‘file name’ to ‘filename’ in the Edit Element dialog.
Typefi Writer 8.7.0 (64-bit edition)
Released 8 October 2020
Rewritten from the ground up for 64-bit compatibility
The 64-bit edition of Writer is completely rewritten from the ground up, using the C# .NET programming language. (The 32-bit edition of Writer was written in Visual Basic.)
But, while everything underneath is new, you should feel right at home because the 64-bit edition of Writer features the same user interface as the 32-bit edition, except for the new floating panels. Since our developers used C# .NET instead of Visual Basic, they were able to make the paragraph and character styles panels floating, which means you can tag your content faster, with less potential for errors.
To install the 64-bit edition of Writer, see Install Typefi Writer and follow the instructions for the 64-bit edition.
Floating style panels
Apply paragraph and character styles to content, faster and with less potential for error, with the new floating paragraph styles panel. You can move the panel wherever you want on the screen, and apply the same paragraph style to different paragraphs, fast. See how it works in this video:
For step-by-step instructions, see Apply paragraph styles and Apply character styles.
- Improved the process for installing Writer: you no longer have to worry about installing Writer in the wrong Startup folder. Now, Writer is installed in a different location, so you do not need to move the Writer file when doing an install with elevated privileges.
- Rephrased the warning message when you try to publish a document with warnings. Before, the warning message was "The document has warnings and may not print as expected. Do you want to see warnings?", which expected a yes or no answer, but the only buttons were OK and Cancel. Now, the warning message is "This document has validation warnings and may not publish as expected. Are you sure you want to continue?". Pressing OK means the job will proceed to the Print Manager for publishing and pressing Cancel means Writer will open the Document Explorer dialog so you can see the warnings.
- Fixed an issue where Project Fields remained in the Content XML, despite deleting them in the InDesign template and re-running the job. Now, when you re-run the job with the updated template, the Content XML does not contain the deleted Project Fields. Specifically, Typefi Writer will search for and delete any Typefi Fields that do not exist in the TSS when:
- you click Update (Typefi → Workflow → Update),
- you click Refresh,
- you attach a new workflow for the first time to a document (Typefi → Workflow → Attach), or
- the new workflow is different from the workflow that was previously attached.
Typefi Writer 8.7.0
Released 17 April 2020
Content XML 3.2
Typefi Writer 8.7.0 adds support for Content XML 3.2, which includes:
- Local overrides for paragraph styles and the appearance of tables and table cells
- Typefi Field Instances, which enable you to re-use Typefi Fields anywhere within your regular text. For step-by-step instructions, see Insert a Field Instance.
- Improved page numbering, which means you can now specify the starting page number of a Typefi Section.
- Several bug fixes.
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