My Typefi is a secure, Typefi-hosted page that lets you view your support stats—like the number of hours logged and open tickets—and designate people in your organisation as Typefi Customer Reps. Customer Reps can select other Typefi contacts to become Customer Reps and to receive licenses as needed.
Getting started
First, go to and sign in with your Typefi credentials.
If you can't remember your password, click here to submit a request to reset your password.
Introducing your support dashboard
Once you sign in, you'll see your personal support dashboard.
The dashboard shows:
- A summary of the total number of hours used so far in a Support or Service Pack.
- The number of support tickets currently open, pending, or on hold.
- The number of people using Typefi and the Customer Reps in your organisation.
- Individual (recent) time entries coming from all Support or Service Packs.
- Your Typefi team.
View how support time is spent
To see the details of how your organisation's support time is used, go to the Time page. The time entries are filtered by specific Support or Service Pack packages.
The bulk of the Time page is the Entries table that lists each support ticket by the time it took to complete. If you're searching for a specific entry, use the search bar to search for it.
Click on any hyperlinked ticket ID numbers or URLs in the description column, to view the ticket in the Typefi Help Desk.
TIP You can download this data as a CSV file. Click Export at the bottom of the page.
View all support tickets
Go to the Tickets page to see all the support tickets your organisation has with Typefi. Here, you'll see a table that lists information about each help ticket:
- The ticket ID (click the ID to view the ticket in the Typefi Help Desk).
- The ticket subject.
- The ticket status.
- Who requested the ticket.
- When the ticket was last updated.
You can also search for a specific ticket using any of these attributes.
To sort the data, click the ID, Status, Requester, or Updated column headers in ascending or descending order.
TIP You can download this data as a CSV file too. Click Export at the bottom of the page.
View all Typefi contacts at your organisation
NOTE This feature is only available to Typefi Customer Reps.
If you are a Customer Rep, go to the People page to see the names and emails of all people in your organisation registered with Typefi. Only Customer Reps can view the People page; if you are not a Customer Rep, you do not have access to this page.
Customer Reps can select other Typefi contacts to become Customer Reps and to receive licenses as needed. To designate someone as a Customer Rep, select the Customer Rep checkbox next to their name and email address.
NOTE The list of contacts comes from our Customer Relationship Management software, not your Typefi Server. It includes all current users and Customer Reps, as well as financial and managerial contacts. You may notice it also contains historical information. This is because we only remove contacts when requested. If you use Typefi Cloud, we can provide a list of active contacts on your server. If you use Typefi Workgroup, your administrator can provide this information for you.
Manage contacts
Only Customer Reps can add or delete contacts within their organisation.
Add a contact
To add a new contact in your organisation:
- Go to the People page and click the Add button at the bottom.
- In the Add User dialogue, enter their Name, Email, select Customer Rep if they are a Customer Rep.
- Click Save.
The contact can now access your Typefi Server*, the Typefi FTP, and Typefi Support.
* If you use Typefi Cloud Bronze, we need to adjust the permission settings before the new contact can access the Server. Please let us know when you add a new user so we can adjust their permissions.
Delete a contact
To delete a contact from your organisation:
- Go to the People page and locate the contact you want to delete.
- Click the Trash icon next to their name.
- In the Delete User confirmation dialogue, click Delete.
The contact no longer has access to your Typefi Server, the Typefi FTP, or Typefi Support.
Change your password
To change your password, go to your profile avatar at the top right of the dashboard. Click on the arrow to bring up the change password option.
Selecting change password will open up the Typefi Identity Management in a new tab in your browser. Sign in with your Typefi credentials and select Change Password from the main menu to change your current password.
Future roadmap
My Typefi’s product roadmap includes adding new features that improve your self-service experience. Features that are currently being scoped as part of the product roadmap include:
- Viewing currently licensed components and renewal dates
- Viewing usage reports from Typefi Cloud
- Viewing Typefi and 3rd-party license keys
- Getting updated when new people or Customer Reps are added to your organisation
- Downloading signed contracts
- Collecting the latest installers for Typefi software
If you have a feature request for My Typefi, please leave a comment below or contact us. We're always looking for more ways to help you do more.
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