Paragraph styles are a collection of specifications that define how your text behaves and looks. They contain formatting for both the characters–such as the font and colour–and for the paragraph–such as the indent and alignment.
You might be used to using paragraph styles through the Styles section of the Home tab in the Microsoft Word ribbon. However, in an automated publishing workflow, built-in Word paragraph styles (such as Heading 1, Heading 2, or Heading 3) do not carry through to the final output. To specify how the text should look in the final output (such as a PDF), use Typefi paragraph styles instead of the native Word styles. Typefi paragraph styles are specified in the Adobe InDesign template.
The best way to apply Typefi paragraph styles to text is to use the Paragraph Styles panel or in the Styles area of the Typefi tab (64-bit only). Alternatively, you can apply Typefi paragraph styles using the Paragraph button (32-bit only) or the Word Styles panel.
View the Word document in outline mode (View → Outline) or draft mode (View → Draft) to easily keep track of which paragraph styles you've applied.
Use the Paragraph Styles panel
The Typefi Paragraph Styles panel is only available in the 64-bit edition of Typefi Writer. For more information, see Choose between the 64-bit or 32-bit edition of Typefi Writer.
To apply a Typefi paragraph style using the Typefi Paragraph Styles panel:
- In the Word ribbon, click the Typefi tab and find the Styles area.
- Select the paragraph in Word. To select a paragraph, place your cursor at the start of the paragraph.
- In the Styles area, click the Paragraph Styles button.
- In the Typefi Paragraph panel, click the desired Typefi Paragraph Style name. In the screenshot below, the desired Typefi Paragraph Style name is figure centre.
- Continue selecting paragraphs and clicking different paragraph styles from the Typefi Paragraph Styles panel to apply styles to other paragraphs.
Select the Apply select style to multiple paragraphs checkbox to quickly apply the same paragraph style to multiple paragraphs. If you're using Typefi Writer 8.7.2 or later, select the Apply selected style and move to the next paragraph checkbox to quickly apply styles sequentially.
Use the Paragraph Styles button
The Typefi Paragraph Styles button is only available in the 32-bit edition of Typefi Writer. For more information, see Choosing between the 64-bit or 32-bit edition of Typefi Writer.
To apply a Typefi paragraph style using the Typefi Paragraph Style button:
- In the Word ribbon, click the Typefi tab and find the Styles area.
- Select the paragraph in Word. To select a paragraph, place your cursor at the start of the paragraph.
- In the Styles area, click the Paragraph Styles button.
Click Apply Last Used to quickly apply the last used style.
- In the Paragraph Styles dialog, select the desired Typefi Paragraph Style name.
- Click OK.
Use the Word Styles panel
To apply a Typefi paragraph style using the Word Styles panel:
- Select the paragraph in Word. To select a paragraph, place your cursor at the start of the paragraph.
- In the Word ribbon, click on the Home tab and find the Styles area.
- Click on the Expand Styles icon (
) in the bottom right of the Styles area.
Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S to open the Word Styles panel.
- Select a Typefi paragraph style.
Working with bulleted and numbered lists
The layout designer must define unique paragraph styles in the InDesign template that forms the basis for the page composition. The numbering, bullet symbol, and hanging indentation settings are all included within these styles. Instead of using a normal paragraph style, and then applying the list attribute in Word when authoring/editing text, you must apply the appropriate list paragraph style.
To have these list styles properly recorded in the XML that is extracted behind the scenes when publishing content from Word, you must ensure that the formatting of the styles in Word contains Bullets or Numbering. This ensures the numbered or bulleted items are correctly enclosed within ordered or unordered lists.
Multiple paragraphs within a single list item
Typefi does not support the use of multiple paragraphs within a single list item. Instead, you can simulate it by inserting a forced line break (Shift + Enter) where you’d like to see a paragraph inserted within a list item, or–better still–use a special paragraph style designed for the purpose.
List levels
In Word, you create different levels for numbered and bulleted lists using the Increase Indent button. This does not work in a Typefi document. Instead, you must inform the layout designer of the levels of numbers and bullets that will be needed, so that the InDesign template provides the necessary paragraph styles to meet your needs.
Restart numbering
The Restart numbering option in Word is fully supported. This requires that the corresponding paragraph style is correctly set up in InDesign, so the layout designer must be aware of your document numbering needs.
Nesting of lists
Nesting of lists may result in incorrect numbering, as the paragraph styles in InDesign control the numbering. However, multiple nesting of lists is quite possible through the correct application of paragraph styles provided by the layout designer.
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