Applies to the Create InDesign book workflow action
The release of the Adobe InDesign plug-in version 31 introduces a new feature to customise how InDesign book files are named. Enter the Document naming field:
To customise the file naming convention, use different combinations of text and workflow variables. A workflow variable is a placeholder for a value you would normally type in an input field.
For example, if you wanted the name of your InDesign book files to be the Typefi Section name, sequenced alphabetically, you would enter ${seq:A}_${section} in the Document naming field.
Here are some more examples of how you can customise the file naming convention:
If you want the filenames to look like this |
Enter this in the Document naming field |
A_OpeningChapter.indd B_BodyChapter.indd C_ClosingChapter.indd |
${seq:A}_${section} |
simple-01.indd simple-02.indd simple-03.indd |
simple-${seq:01} |
a_output1.indd b_output2.indd c_output3.indd |
${seq:a}_{$output} |
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