If you are experiencing unexpected problems with your output in the Apply XSL transform action, we recommend updating the action to version 17 (released on 8 June 2020).
Pretty print output is a troubleshooting option that makes the XML produced by the Apply XSL transform action easier to read.
If you’re experiencing unexpected problems with your output, first update the action to version 17 or later. Version 17 includes a bug fix that allows you to select the Pretty print output checkbox on multiple Apply XSL transform actions in a workflow.
If you are using version 16 or earlier and are experiencing unexpected problems with your output, check for the following:
- Is your input Content XML already pretty printed? If so, you do not need to select Pretty print output.
- Do you have multiple Apply XSL transform actions following each other in a workflow? If so, you only need to select Pretty print output on the last action in your workflow.
- Does your transform already include the whiteSpaceMode attribute? If so, whiteSpaceMode will override the pretty print output option.
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