Workflows connect applications and actions to automate tasks without needing to know complicated programming or scripting languages.
A workflow is made up of one or more actions that perform a sequence of tasks used to automatically generate output. A workflow can be as simple as a single action performing just one task or it can contain multiple actions that perform a series of tasks. When you run a workflow, the actions are performed in sequence from top to bottom.
An action performs a single task. Add multiple actions to a workflow to perform a series of tasks. Actions may receive input from any previous action. Some actions require specific types of input while others are used for generic functions.
The workflow graph displays an icon for each action in a workflow. Click an icon to quickly scroll to its corresponding action in a complex workflow containing multiple actions.
Name a workflow
When you create a new workflow, it is named "Untitled" by default. To rename a workflow, click the title displayed at the top of the screen and enter a new name.
Follow these conventions when naming a workflow:
- You can use numbers and most symbols.
- The name cannot be longer than 255 characters.
- Avoid using control characters or any of the following:
* < > : " / | \ ? ; ! ^
- Do not start or end a name with a period (
). - Avoid starting or ending a name with a space.
Save a workflow
To prevent accidental changes to a workflow, your edits and changes to a workflow are not automatically saved (unless you are updating an action or running a job). If you navigate away from a workflow without saving your changes, Typefi Server will prompt you to save.
To save your workflow, click Save and enter any comments about the workflow in the Comments field. The default comment is the date and time you are saving the workflow. The comment will display when you hover over the workflow name. The last saved time is also displayed at the bottom left side of the screen.
Run a workflow
Once you have set up a workflow, click Run in the workflow tools area to run the workflow. Running a workflow creates a Job that executes each action of the workflow in sequence. The results of each job are then automatically saved to a date and time-stamped folder within the job workflow folder.
Time-stamps used for job folders are always in UTC time. For example, running the workflow Hello World at 2:34:03 PM (EST) on 15 June 2015 saves its output to /Hello World/2015-06-15 19.34.03.
A workflow folder is automatically created the first time you run a job and has the same name as the workflow.
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