Everything on your Typefi Server is organised in a folder structure. You can create folders to organise your documents and projects in the Files area. While navigating through folders, Typefi displays location breadcrumbs at the top of the window, so you always know where you are.
Create a folder
To create a folder, click New Folder, then enter a name for the folder.
Upload files
You can upload templates, artwork, other files, and entire folders to your Typefi Server making them accessible from anywhere, anytime.
Click Add Files to open the file browser, then browse and select select the files you want to upload.TIP: To select multiple files, press Ctrl (Windows) or Command (macOS) and click all the files you want to upload.
To upload a folder, first compress the folder as a ZIP archive, then click Add Files to upload the archive. To create an archive:
- Windows: Right-click the folder, then choose Send to → Compressed (zipped) folder from the shortcut menu.
- macOS: Control-click or tap the folder using two fingers, then choose Compress from the shortcut menu.
You can decide if Typefi Server should automatically expand the ZIP archive on upload.
Download files
To download a file or folder, click the checkbox next to the item, and then click Download. To download all the items currently visible on the page, click the checkbox in the heading above to select all the checkboxes, then click Download.
When downloading multiple items or a folder, Typefi Server automatically compresses the items into a ZIP archive before downloading them.
Downloaded files are saved in a download folder set by your web browser. Check your browser’s settings to see where to find your downloads.
Check out a file
Checking out a document locks the file for all other users while you make your changes. Other users can still view or download the original version of the document while you have it checked out, but they cannot change it.
File versioning must be configured in Filestore settings to enable this feature.
To check out a file:
- Click on the name, or the File Details link, of the file you’d like to check out.
- Click Check Out.
You can also check out files using Typefi Writer for Microsoft Word.
Check in a file
When you finish making your changes, you must check it back into the Typefi Server to update the original document. Checking in a file removes the lock and makes the updated file available to other users.
To check in a file:
- Click on the name, or the File Details link, of the checked out file.
- Click Check In to open a browser file upload dialog.
- Select the updated file and click OK
You can only check in a file with the same name as the file you checked out.
Undo a check out
If you decide not to keep the changes you’ve made to a checked out document, you’ll need to undo (cancel) the checkout to make the original version available to other users.
To undo a check out:
- Click on the name, or the File Details link, of the checked out file.
- Click Undo Check Out.
Only administrators can undo a check out for file versions that are checked out by other users.
Delete a file
If you want to delete a file, click the checkbox next to the files you want to delete, and then click Delete. To delete all the items currently visible on the page, click the checkbox in the column heading to select all items in the current folder, and then click Delete.
Restore a deleted file
Deleted files are usually not recoverable unless Typefi Server has been configured to use a content management system as its Filestore. To restore deleted files, see the documentation provided with your content management system.
View comments on a deleted file
If you have file versioning enabled (Admin → Filestore → Enable Versioning), you can hover over a deleted file in the Trash to view its comments. If you're not an administrator and want to view the comments on a deleted file, your admin can assign you a role.
Rename files
You can change the name of most files and folders in Typefi 8 by clicking the checkbox next to an item, then clicking Rename and entering a new name.
Follow these conventions when naming a workflow:
- You can use numbers and most symbols.
- The name cannot be longer than 255 characters.
- Avoid using control characters or any of the following:
* < > : " / | \ ? ; ! ^
- Do not start or end a name with a period (.).
- Avoid starting or ending a name with a space.
Move or copy a file
To move, copy, or duplicate a file or folder, click the checkbox next to the item, then click the respective button.
- Click Move to copy a file to a new folder and then remove the original.
- Click Copy to duplicate a file without changing the original.
Filter files
If a folder contains many files, you can use the search filter to help you quickly find a file. Click within the Search box located above the list of files, then enter your search. Your search results will appear as you type.
To undo the files filtering, clear the search box's contents by clicking the Clear icon or selecting and deleting it.
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