Dilum Samarajeewa

  • Total activity 15
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Activity overview

Latest activity by Dilum Samarajeewa
  • Dilum Samarajeewa created an article,

    Publish an adoption

    Before you publish your adoption, make sure you save it. Adoptions must be saved before publishing. To publish an adoption: Select Adoptions in the main menu at the top of the screen. If you don't...

  • Dilum Samarajeewa created an article,

    Add content to an adoption

    To add content to an adoption: Select Adoptions in the main menu at the top of the screen. If you don't have Administrator privileges, this will be the only menu item available. In your list of In...

  • Dilum Samarajeewa created an article,

    Manage your metadata master page

    ISO standards are created using the ISO Standards Tag Set (ISOSTS), which defines the metadata structure for all ISO standards. Metadata often includes information which is used more than once with...

  • Dilum Samarajeewa created an article,

    Delete an adoption

    Take care not to delete adoptions unless absolutely necessary. Only administrators are able to delete adoptions. If the adoption is not published, it will not count towards your adoption quota.  I...

  • Dilum Samarajeewa created an article,

    Create an adoption

    Before you create an adoption, make sure you have an ISO ZIP file with the following items inside: the ISO XML file (for example, name_of_iso_xml_file.xml) A graphics folder that contains the imag...

  • Dilum Samarajeewa created an article,

    Change your Standards Cloud password

    Follow these steps to change your Standards Cloud password. Select your email address in the top right corner of your screen. From the pop-up menu, select Change password.The Change password dialo...

  • Dilum Samarajeewa created an article,

    Sign in to Standards Cloud

    To access the Standards Cloud web application, you first need to sign in: In your web browser, enter https://standards.typefi.net in the address bar. Enter your email address in the Email address ...