Before you publish your adoption, make sure you save it. Adoptions must be saved before publishing.
To publish an adoption:
- Select Adoptions in the main menu at the top of the screen. If you don't have Administrator privileges, this will be the only menu item available.
- In your list of In progress adoptions, select the standard you want to publish.
Selecting the standard will take you to the ISO tab, which contains information about your adoption.
- From the ISO tab, select Publish in the top right corner.
The Publish Standard dialog will appear containing the standard name, description, and current status.
Select Publish in the bottom right of the Publish Standard dialog.
While your adoption is publishing, you can monitor its progress by clicking the Outputs tab. Don’t worry, navigating away or closing the page won't affect the publishing process.
After your adoption is published, download your generated output files from the Outputs tab.
Your output files include:
- a web-ready PDF with metadata;
- a print-ready PDF without metadata;
- the XML files used to create your custom sections and metadata.
Once an adoption has been published, you can click the blue folder icon next to its name to quickly download the output PDF.
Made a mistake?
Once you've published your adoption, you can make further edits and republish the adoption as many times as you like without affecting your adoption quota.
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